Learning Dutch Through Cooking: Recipes and Vocabulary

Learning a new language can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. One effective and enjoyable method to immerse yourself in a language is through cooking. In this article, we’ll explore how you can learn Dutch by diving into the world of Dutch cuisine. We’ll provide you with delicious recipes and useful vocabulary to help you on your language learning journey. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, cooking can be a fun and practical way to enhance your Dutch language skills.

Why Learn Dutch Through Cooking?

Cooking allows you to engage with a language in a very practical and hands-on way. When you cook, you not only practice reading and comprehension skills by following recipes, but you also practice speaking and listening by following audio or video instructions. Additionally, cooking offers a multisensory experience that can help reinforce vocabulary and grammar in memorable ways.

Benefits of Learning Dutch Through Cooking

Multisensory Learning: Cooking involves all your senses. The smell of spices, the sight of colorful ingredients, the sound of sizzling pans, and the taste of the final dish—all these sensory experiences help reinforce language retention.

Cultural Immersion: Dutch cuisine is rich with history and tradition. By cooking Dutch recipes, you get a taste of Dutch culture, which provides context for the language and makes learning more engaging.

Practical Vocabulary: Cooking requires you to use practical vocabulary that you might not encounter in traditional language lessons. You’ll learn words for ingredients, cooking techniques, and kitchen utensils, all of which can be useful in everyday conversations.

Social Learning: Cooking can be a social activity. You can cook with friends or family, practice speaking Dutch together, and even share your culinary creations with native Dutch speakers.

Key Dutch Vocabulary for Cooking

Before we dive into the recipes, let’s go over some essential Dutch vocabulary that will come in handy in the kitchen.


– Aardappel (Potato)
– Appel (Apple)
– Boter (Butter)
– Brood (Bread)
– Ei (Egg)
– Kaas (Cheese)
– Melk (Milk)
– Suiker (Sugar)
– Vlees (Meat)
– Vis (Fish)
– Wortel (Carrot)

Kitchen Utensils

– Kom (Bowl)
– Mes (Knife)
– Pan (Pan)
– Snijplank (Cutting board)
– Spatel (Spatula)
– Lepel (Spoon)
– Vork (Fork)
– Oven (Oven)
– Mixer (Mixer)

Cooking Actions

– Bakken (To bake)
– Braden (To roast)
– Koken (To cook)
– Snijden (To cut)
– Mengen (To mix)
– Roeren (To stir)
– Schillen (To peel)
– Gieten (To pour)
– Verwarmen (To heat)

Delicious Dutch Recipes to Try

Now that you’re familiar with some essential cooking vocabulary, let’s put it into practice with a few classic Dutch recipes. These dishes are not only delicious but also relatively easy to prepare, making them perfect for language learners.

Recipe 1: Stamppot

Stamppot is a traditional Dutch comfort food made with mashed potatoes mixed with vegetables. It’s often served with sausage (rookworst) or bacon.


– 1 kg aardappelen (potatoes)
– 500 g boerenkool (kale) or andijvie (endive)
– 250 g rookworst (smoked sausage)
– 200 ml melk (milk)
– 50 g boter (butter)
– Zout (salt) and peper (pepper) to taste


1. Schil de aardappelen (Peel the potatoes) and snijd ze in stukken (cut them into pieces).
2. Kook de aardappelen in gezouten water (Cook the potatoes in salted water) for about 20 minutes until soft.
3. Voeg de boerenkool toe (Add the kale) to the boiling water for the last 5 minutes of cooking.
4. Giet de aardappelen en boerenkool af (Drain the potatoes and kale).
5. Voeg de melk en boter toe (Add the milk and butter) and stamp het geheel tot een puree (mash everything into a puree).
6. Breng op smaak met zout en peper (Season with salt and pepper).
7. Serveer met rookworst (Serve with smoked sausage).

Recipe 2: Pannenkoeken

Pannenkoeken are Dutch pancakes that are larger and thinner than American pancakes but thicker than crepes. They can be served with sweet or savory toppings.


– 250 g bloem (flour)
– 500 ml melk (milk)
– 2 eieren (eggs)
– 1 theelepel zout (teaspoon of salt)
– 1 eetlepel suiker (tablespoon of sugar)
– Boter (butter) for frying


1. Meng de bloem, melk, eieren, zout en suiker in een grote kom (Mix the flour, milk, eggs, salt, and sugar in a large bowl) until you have a smooth batter.
2. Verhit een beetje boter in een koekenpan (Heat a bit of butter in a frying pan) over medium heat.
3. Giet een kleine hoeveelheid beslag in de pan (Pour a small amount of batter into the pan) and draai de pan rond (tilt the pan around) to spread the batter evenly.
4. Bak de pannenkoek (Cook the pancake) for about 2 minutes on each side until golden brown.
5. Herhaal met de rest van het beslag (Repeat with the remaining batter).
6. Serveer met je favoriete toppings zoals stroop (Serve with your favorite toppings like syrup), jam, or cheese.

Recipe 3: Erwtensoep

Erwtensoep, also known as Dutch pea soup or snert, is a thick, hearty soup made with split peas, pork, and vegetables. It’s perfect for cold winter days.


– 500 g spliterwten (split peas)
– 1,5 liter water (water)
– 1 rookworst (smoked sausage)
– 250 g varkensschenkel (pork shank)
– 1 ui (onion), gesnipperd (chopped)
– 2 wortels (carrots), in stukjes (diced)
– 1 prei (leek), in ringen (sliced)
– 2 aardappelen (potatoes), in blokjes (diced)
– 2 selderijstengels (celery stalks), in stukjes (diced)
– Zout (salt) and peper (pepper) to taste


1. Spoel de spliterwten af (Rinse the split peas) under cold water.
2. Doe de spliterwten, water, en varkensschenkel in een grote pan (Put the split peas, water, and pork shank in a large pot) and bring to a boil.
3. Zet het vuur laag en laat 60 minuten zachtjes koken (Reduce heat and let simmer for 60 minutes), stirring occasionally.
4. Voeg de ui, wortels, prei, aardappelen en selderij toe (Add the onion, carrots, leek, potatoes, and celery) and cook for another 30 minutes.
5. Haal het vlees uit de pan (Remove the meat from the pot), shred it, and return it to the soup.
6. Voeg de rookworst toe (Add the smoked sausage) and cook for another 10 minutes.
7. Breng op smaak met zout en peper (Season with salt and pepper).
8. Serveer warm (Serve warm).

Practical Tips for Learning Dutch Through Cooking

Use Dutch Recipes: Look for recipes written in Dutch. This will help you practice reading and comprehension skills. You can find Dutch cookbooks, websites, or even YouTube channels dedicated to Dutch cuisine.

Label Your Kitchen: Label items in your kitchen with their Dutch names. For example, put a label on your refrigerator that says “koelkast” or on your oven that says “oven.” This constant exposure will help reinforce vocabulary.

Watch Dutch Cooking Shows: Watching Dutch cooking shows or YouTube videos can help you improve your listening skills. Pay attention to how the hosts describe the cooking process and ingredients.

Cook with Dutch Friends: If you have Dutch-speaking friends, invite them to cook with you. This will give you an opportunity to practice speaking and listening in a natural setting.

Join a Cooking Class: If possible, join a Dutch cooking class. This can be a fun way to learn the language while making new friends who share your interest in Dutch cuisine.

Practice Speaking: As you cook, practice saying the names of the ingredients and the cooking actions out loud. This will help you improve your pronunciation and build confidence in speaking.


Learning Dutch through cooking is a delightful and effective way to immerse yourself in the language. By preparing traditional Dutch recipes, you’ll not only enhance your vocabulary and language skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for Dutch culture. So, grab your apron, gather your ingredients, and start cooking your way to fluency in Dutch. Eet smakelijk! (Enjoy your meal!)