Talking About Movies in Dutch

Movies are a universal language that bring people together, and discussing them can be a fantastic way to practice and improve your Dutch. Whether you’re a beginner or have been learning Dutch for a while, talking about movies offers a rich vocabulary and numerous conversation starters. In this article, we’ll explore how to discuss movies in Dutch, covering essential vocabulary, phrases, and questions that can help you engage in lively conversations about films.

Basic Movie Vocabulary

Let’s start with some essential Dutch vocabulary related to movies. Knowing these words will help you understand and participate in discussions about films.

– **Film** / **Movie**: film
– **Cinema** / **Movie Theater**: bioscoop
– **Actor**: acteur (male), actrice (female)
– **Director**: regisseur
– **Screenwriter**: scenarioschrijver
– **Script**: script
– **Genre**: genre
– **Plot**: verhaallijn
– **Character**: personage
– **Scene**: scène
– **Soundtrack**: soundtrack
– **Subtitles**: ondertitels
– **Review**: recensie
– **Rating**: beoordeling
– **Trailer**: trailer
– **Release Date**: releasedatum


Movies come in various genres, and knowing how to identify them in Dutch can be very helpful. Here are some common genres:

– **Action**: actie
– **Comedy**: komedie
– **Drama**: drama
– **Horror**: horror
– **Science Fiction**: sciencefiction
– **Romantic**: romantisch
– **Thriller**: thriller
– **Animation**: animatie
– **Documentary**: documentaire
– **Fantasy**: fantasie
– **Musical**: musical

Describing a Movie

When discussing a movie, you might want to describe its plot, characters, or your overall impression. Here are some useful phrases and sentences to help you express your thoughts:

– **The movie is about…**: De film gaat over…
– **The main character is…**: Het hoofdpersonage is…
– **The plot is very interesting/exciting/boring.**: De verhaallijn is erg interessant/spannend/saai.
– **The acting was excellent/poor.**: Het acteerwerk was uitstekend/slecht.
– **The special effects were amazing.**: De speciale effecten waren geweldig.
– **I liked/disliked the ending.**: Ik vond het einde leuk/niet leuk.
– **The soundtrack was memorable.**: De soundtrack was gedenkwaardig.
– **The movie was well-directed.**: De film was goed geregisseerd.

Asking Questions

Asking questions is a great way to keep a conversation going. Here are some questions you can ask about movies:

– **Have you seen this movie?**: Heb je deze film gezien?
– **What did you think of the movie?**: Wat vond je van de film?
– **Who is your favorite character?**: Wie is jouw favoriete personage?
– **Do you like this genre?**: Vind je dit genre leuk?
– **What is your favorite movie?**: Wat is jouw favoriete film?
– **Would you recommend this movie?**: Zou je deze film aanraden?
– **Who is your favorite actor/actress?**: Wie is jouw favoriete acteur/actrice?
– **What did you think of the ending?**: Wat vond je van het einde?
– **Was the movie what you expected?**: Was de film wat je had verwacht?

Discussing a Movie Review

Reading and discussing movie reviews can be a great way to practice your Dutch. Here are some phrases and vocabulary that can help you talk about a review:

– **The review was positive/negative.**: De recensie was positief/negatief.
– **The critic praised the acting.**: De criticus prees het acteerwerk.
– **The movie received good/bad reviews.**: De film kreeg goede/slechte recensies.
– **The review mentioned the director’s style.**: De recensie vermeldde de stijl van de regisseur.
– **The critic found the plot weak.**: De criticus vond de verhaallijn zwak.
– **I agree/disagree with the review.**: Ik ben het eens/oneens met de recensie.

Common Expressions and Idioms

Using expressions and idioms can make your conversation sound more natural. Here are some common Dutch expressions related to movies:

– **Het doek valt.** (The curtain falls.) – Used to indicate the end of a performance or event.
– **Een film draaien.** (To run a film.) – To show a movie.
– **In de schijnwerpers staan.** (To stand in the spotlight.) – To be the center of attention.
– **Een acteerprestatie van formaat.** (A performance of great magnitude.) – An outstanding acting performance.
– **Een kaskraker.** (A box office hit.) – A very successful movie.
– **Een draak van een film.** (A dragon of a movie.) – A very bad movie.

Talking About Movie Preferences

Discussing your movie preferences can be a great way to find common ground with others. Here are some phrases to help you talk about what you like or dislike:

– **I prefer action movies.**: Ik geef de voorkeur aan actiefilms.
– **I don’t like horror movies.**: Ik houd niet van horrorfilms.
– **I enjoy watching comedies.**: Ik geniet van het kijken naar komedies.
– **I love animated movies.**: Ik houd van animatiefilms.
– **I rarely watch dramas.**: Ik kijk zelden naar drama’s.
– **I like movies with a twist.**: Ik houd van films met een onverwachte wending.
– **I prefer movies with subtitles.**: Ik geef de voorkeur aan films met ondertitels.
– **I enjoy watching movies in the original language.**: Ik kijk graag naar films in de originele taal.

Practicing with a Partner

Practicing conversations about movies with a language partner can be very beneficial. Here are some tips on how to make the most out of your practice sessions:

1. **Choose a Movie**: Select a movie that both of you have seen. This will give you a common topic to discuss.
2. **Prepare Questions**: Write down a list of questions you want to ask your partner about the movie.
3. **Exchange Opinions**: Share your thoughts and opinions about the movie, and ask your partner to do the same.
4. **Role-Play**: Pretend to be a movie critic and write a short review of the movie. Share your review with your partner.
5. **Watch a Movie Together**: If possible, watch a movie together and discuss it afterward.

Using Online Resources

There are many online resources that can help you practice talking about movies in Dutch. Here are some suggestions:

1. **Movie Reviews**: Read movie reviews in Dutch on websites like or
2. **Language Exchange Platforms**: Use language exchange platforms like Tandem or HelloTalk to find Dutch speakers who are interested in movies.
3. **Dutch Subtitles**: Watch movies with Dutch subtitles on streaming platforms like Netflix or Disney+.
4. **Online Forums**: Join online forums or social media groups where people discuss movies in Dutch.
5. **Dutch Podcasts**: Listen to Dutch podcasts about movies to improve your listening skills and learn new vocabulary.


Talking about movies in Dutch can be a fun and engaging way to practice the language. By learning essential vocabulary, phrases, and questions, you can confidently discuss films with others. Whether you’re sharing your thoughts on a recent blockbuster, asking for movie recommendations, or reading reviews, discussing movies provides a rich and varied context for language learning. So next time you watch a movie, try discussing it in Dutch and see how much you can express and learn!