Houden vs. Bewaren – Understanding Keeping and Saving in Dutch

When learning Dutch, one often encounters words that seem to have similar meanings but are used in different contexts. This can be particularly confusing for English speakers. Two such words are houden and bewaren. Both can be translated to “keep” or “save” in English, but their usage in Dutch varies considerably. Understanding the nuances between these terms is crucial for mastering Dutch and avoiding common mistakes.

Houden: To Hold, Keep, or Retain

The word houden is versatile and can be translated as “to hold,” “to keep,” or “to retain,” depending on the context. Let’s delve into the various ways it is used:

Physical Holding

In its most basic sense, houden can mean “to hold” something physically. For example:

Ik houd de bal. (I am holding the ball.)

Here, houden denotes the action of physically grasping something.

Retaining Possession

Houden is also used when you want to retain possession of something. For instance:

Je mag het boek houden. (You can keep the book.)

In this context, houden means to keep something in your possession indefinitely.

Maintaining a State or Condition

Another common use of houden is to maintain a certain state or condition. For example:

We moeten het huis schoon houden. (We have to keep the house clean.)

Here, houden implies maintaining cleanliness as an ongoing action.

Emotional or Mental State

Houden can also refer to emotional or mental states, particularly with the reflexive form zich houden:

Hij houdt zich kalm in stressvolle situaties. (He keeps himself calm in stressful situations.)

In this sentence, houden reflects maintaining an emotional state.

Expressions and Idioms

There are several idiomatic expressions in Dutch that use houden. For example:

Houden van (to love): Ik houd van jou. (I love you.)
In de gaten houden (to keep an eye on): Kun je de kinderen in de gaten houden? (Can you keep an eye on the kids?)

These expressions highlight the versatility of houden in everyday Dutch.

Bewaren: To Save, Store, or Preserve

While houden focuses on maintaining possession or state, bewaren is more about saving, storing, or preserving something for future use. Let’s explore its various applications:

Storing Objects

Bewaren is often used when referring to the physical storage of objects:

Bewaar de melk in de koelkast. (Store the milk in the refrigerator.)

In this case, bewaren means to put something in a specific place for future use.

Saving for Later

Bewaren can also imply saving something for a later time:

Ik bewaar dit stuk taart voor later. (I will save this piece of cake for later.)

Here, bewaren suggests keeping something aside for future enjoyment or use.

Preserving Quality

When it comes to preserving the quality or condition of something, bewaren is the go-to word:

Bewaar deze documenten op een veilige plaats. (Keep these documents in a safe place.)

In this context, bewaren emphasizes the importance of maintaining the condition and security of the items.

Keeping Records

Bewaren is also used for keeping records or documents:

Bewaar je oude rapporten voor de administratie. (Keep your old reports for the administration.)

Here, bewaren implies the act of saving documents for future reference or use.

Expressions and Idioms

While less common than with houden, there are still idiomatic expressions that use bewaren:

Bewaren als (save as): Often used in digital contexts, like saving a file on a computer.
Rust bewaren (to keep calm): Probeer rust te bewaren tijdens de vergadering. (Try to keep calm during the meeting.)

Comparative Usage

Understanding when to use houden vs. bewaren can be tricky, but comparing their typical uses can help clarify the distinction.

Context of Possession

Ik houd dit boek. (I am keeping this book.): Here, houden emphasizes retaining possession.
Ik bewaar dit boek. (I am saving this book.): In this case, bewaren suggests putting the book aside for future use.

Context of Storage

Ik houd mijn sleutels altijd bij me. (I always keep my keys with me.): Houden indicates retaining possession on one’s person.
Ik bewaar mijn sleutels in de la. (I store my keys in the drawer.): Bewaren suggests placing the keys in a specific location for future use.

Context of Emotional State

Ik houd van mijn familie. (I love my family.): Using houden here expresses an emotional bond.
Bewaar je kalmte. (Keep your calm.): Bewaren in this context means to maintain a calm state.

Context of Condition

We moeten de tuin netjes houden. (We need to keep the garden tidy.): Houden implies maintaining the garden’s current state.
Bewaar de groenten in de koelkast om ze vers te houden. (Store the vegetables in the fridge to keep them fresh.): Bewaren suggests a method of preserving the vegetables’ freshness.

Practical Tips for Learners

To master the use of houden and bewaren, consider these practical tips:

Practice Through Context

Use each word in sentences that reflect their typical contexts. For example, write sentences about holding objects, retaining possession, or maintaining emotional states for houden. For bewaren, focus on storing items, saving for later, and preserving quality.

Engage in Conversations

Engage in conversations with native Dutch speakers or fellow learners. Pay attention to how they use houden and bewaren in various contexts. This will help reinforce the correct usage through real-life examples.

Use Language Apps and Resources

Leverage language learning apps and online resources that offer exercises and quizzes specifically designed for Dutch vocabulary. Many of these tools can help you practice and reinforce the correct use of houden and bewaren.

Keep a Vocabulary Journal

Maintain a vocabulary journal where you jot down sentences using houden and bewaren. Review these sentences regularly to reinforce your understanding and recall of each word’s proper context.

Watch Dutch Media

Watching Dutch TV shows, movies, and news programs can provide you with a wealth of examples of how houden and bewaren are used in everyday language. This exposure can significantly enhance your comprehension and usage of these words.


Understanding the difference between houden and bewaren is essential for achieving fluency in Dutch. While both words can be translated as “keep” or “save” in English, they are used in distinct contexts that reflect different nuances. Houden is generally about retaining possession, maintaining a state, or expressing an emotional bond, whereas bewaren focuses on saving, storing, or preserving something for future use.

By practicing these words in context, engaging in conversations, and using various language learning tools, you can master the nuances of houden and bewaren and improve your overall proficiency in Dutch. Happy learning!