Dutch Phrases for the Workplace

Navigating the workplace in a foreign country can be challenging, especially if you are not yet fluent in the local language. If you are working in the Netherlands or with Dutch colleagues, learning some essential Dutch phrases can significantly enhance your communication and make your professional interactions smoother. This article will cover a range of useful Dutch phrases for various workplace scenarios, from basic greetings to more specific business terminology. By the end, you’ll have a handy toolkit of expressions to help you thrive in a Dutch-speaking work environment.

Basic Greetings and Introductions

Starting with the basics is always a good idea. Here are some common Dutch greetings and introductory phrases that will help you make a good first impression.

– **Hello** – Hallo
– **Good morning** – Goedemorgen
– **Good afternoon** – Goedemiddag
– **Good evening** – Goedenavond
– **Goodbye** – Tot ziens
– **How are you?** – Hoe gaat het met je?
– **I’m fine, thank you.** – Het gaat goed, dank je.
– **Nice to meet you.** – Leuk je te ontmoeten.
– **My name is…** – Mijn naam is…
– **What is your name?** – Wat is jouw naam?

Being able to introduce yourself and ask for someone’s name is fundamental in any professional setting. These phrases will help you break the ice and set a friendly tone for your interactions.

Everyday Office Phrases

Once you have the basic greetings down, you’ll need to know some everyday office phrases to navigate daily tasks and interactions. Here are some key expressions:

– **Please** – Alsjeblieft
– **Thank you** – Dank je
– **You’re welcome** – Graag gedaan
– **Excuse me** – Pardon
– **I’m sorry** – Het spijt me
– **Can I help you?** – Kan ik je helpen?
– **Yes** – Ja
– **No** – Nee
– **Maybe** – Misschien
– **I don’t understand** – Ik begrijp het niet
– **Can you repeat that, please?** – Kun je dat herhalen, alsjeblieft?

These phrases will help you with basic politeness and ensure that you can ask for clarification if you don’t understand something.

Common Office Supplies

Knowing the names of common office supplies in Dutch can also be very useful. Here are some terms you might encounter:

– **Pen** – Pen
– **Pencil** – Potlood
– **Notebook** – Notitieboek
– **Paper** – Papier
– **Computer** – Computer
– **Printer** – Printer
– **Desk** – Bureau
– **Chair** – Stoel

These words will come in handy when you need to ask for or locate specific items in the office.

Meetings and Discussions

Meetings are a crucial part of workplace communication, and knowing how to navigate them in Dutch will be extremely beneficial. Here are some useful phrases:

– **Meeting** – Vergadering
– **Conference room** – Vergaderkamer
– **Agenda** – Agenda
– **Minutes** – Notulen
– **Presentation** – Presentatie
– **To schedule a meeting** – Een vergadering plannen
– **To attend a meeting** – Een vergadering bijwonen
– **To cancel a meeting** – Een vergadering annuleren

Here are some phrases you might use during a meeting:

– **Let’s get started.** – Laten we beginnen.
– **Can we discuss this?** – Kunnen we dit bespreken?
– **What do you think?** – Wat vind jij?
– **I agree.** – Ik ben het ermee eens.
– **I disagree.** – Ik ben het er niet mee eens.
– **Can you clarify that?** – Kun je dat verduidelijken?
– **Any questions?** – Zijn er vragen?
– **Thank you for your input.** – Dank je voor je bijdrage.

These phrases will help you actively participate in meetings and ensure that your opinions and questions are clearly communicated.

Emails and Written Communication

Written communication is just as important as verbal communication in the workplace. Here are some useful phrases for writing emails and other forms of written communication in Dutch:

– **Dear [Name],** – Beste [Naam],
– **To whom it may concern,** – Aan wie het aangaat,
– **I hope this email finds you well.** – Ik hoop dat deze e-mail je goed bereikt.
– **Thank you for your email.** – Dank je voor je e-mail.
– **I would like to inform you that…** – Ik wil je informeren dat…
– **Could you please…** – Zou je alsjeblieft…
– **Attached you will find…** – Bijgevoegd vind je…
– **Looking forward to your response.** – Ik kijk uit naar je reactie.
– **Best regards,** – Met vriendelijke groet,
– **Sincerely,** – Hoogachtend,

These phrases will help you craft professional and polite emails, which is essential for maintaining good communication and relationships in the workplace.

Project Management and Collaboration

In many workplaces, you’ll need to collaborate on projects and manage tasks. Here are some phrases that will help you in those contexts:

– **Project** – Project
– **Deadline** – Deadline
– **Task** – Taak
– **Team** – Team
– **To collaborate** – Samenwerken
– **To finish** – Afronden
– **To start** – Beginnen
– **To review** – Beoordelen
– **To approve** – Goedkeuren
– **To deliver** – Leveren

Here are some sentences you might use:

– **We need to finish this by the deadline.** – We moeten dit voor de deadline afronden.
– **Can we collaborate on this project?** – Kunnen we aan dit project samenwerken?
– **I need to review this document.** – Ik moet dit document beoordelen.
– **Has this been approved?** – Is dit goedgekeurd?
– **When can we start?** – Wanneer kunnen we beginnen?

These phrases will help you manage projects and collaborate effectively with your Dutch-speaking colleagues.

Technical and Industry-Specific Terms

Depending on your industry, you might need to learn some technical or industry-specific terms. Here are a few examples from various fields:

Technology and IT

– **Software** – Software
– **Hardware** – Hardware
– **Network** – Netwerk
– **Database** – Database
– **Update** – Update
– **Bug** – Fout


– **Invoice** – Factuur
– **Budget** – Budget
– **Account** – Rekening
– **Investment** – Investering
– **Profit** – Winst
– **Loss** – Verlies


– **Doctor** – Dokter
– **Nurse** – Verpleegkundige
– **Patient** – Patiënt
– **Appointment** – Afspraak
– **Medication** – Medicatie
– **Treatment** – Behandeling

Knowing these terms will help you navigate more specialized conversations and tasks within your field.

Social Interactions and Networking

Building relationships is a key part of any job, and knowing how to engage in social interactions and networking in Dutch can be very beneficial. Here are some phrases to help you:

– **Do you have a moment?** – Heb je een momentje?
– **Can we talk?** – Kunnen we praten?
– **Would you like to join us for lunch?** – Wil je met ons lunchen?
– **How was your weekend?** – Hoe was je weekend?
– **What do you think about this event?** – Wat vind je van dit evenement?
– **Let’s keep in touch.** – Laten we contact houden.
– **It was nice talking to you.** – Het was leuk om met je te praten.

These phrases will help you engage in casual conversations and build rapport with your colleagues.

Handling Problems and Complaints

Every workplace has its challenges, and knowing how to handle problems and complaints in Dutch can be very useful. Here are some phrases to help you:

– **There’s a problem.** – Er is een probleem.
– **Can we fix this?** – Kunnen we dit oplossen?
– **I’m not satisfied with this.** – Ik ben hier niet tevreden mee.
– **We need to find a solution.** – We moeten een oplossing vinden.
– **Can we discuss this issue?** – Kunnen we dit probleem bespreken?
– **Thank you for understanding.** – Dank je voor je begrip.

These phrases will help you address issues professionally and work towards finding solutions.


Learning these Dutch phrases will not only help you navigate the workplace more effectively but also show your colleagues that you are making an effort to communicate in their language. This can go a long way in building strong professional relationships and integrating into your new work environment. Practice these phrases regularly, and don’t be afraid to use them in your daily interactions. With time and practice, you’ll find yourself becoming more comfortable and confident in your Dutch-speaking workplace. Good luck!