Prepositions of Place in Dutch: Exercises and Examples

Prepositions of place are an essential component of mastering any language, and Dutch is no exception. These small but mighty words help to describe the location of objects, people, and places, allowing for clearer and more detailed communication. Understanding prepositions of place in Dutch not only enhances your ability to describe everyday scenarios but also deepens your overall fluency in the language. This page offers a comprehensive set of exercises designed to familiarize you with common Dutch prepositions such as "op" (on), "onder" (under), "naast" (next to), and "tussen" (between), among others. Through a variety of engaging and practical examples, you will have the opportunity to see these prepositions in action and practice using them in different contexts. Each exercise is crafted to reinforce your understanding and provide immediate feedback, ensuring that you grasp both the meaning and correct usage of each preposition. Whether you're a beginner just starting out or an advanced learner looking to polish your skills, these exercises will help you gain confidence in your ability to use Dutch prepositions of place accurately and naturally. Dive in and start exploring the nuances of Dutch prepositions to take your language skills to the next level!

Exercise 1

1. De kat ligt *op* het bed (on the bed).

2. De jas hangt *aan* de kapstok (on the coat rack).

3. Het boek ligt *onder* de tafel (under the table).

4. De auto staat *voor* het huis (in front of the house).

5. De lamp hangt *boven* de eettafel (above the dining table).

6. De hond ligt *naast* de stoel (next to the chair).

7. De schoenen staan *in* de kast (in the closet).

8. De kinderen spelen *achter* het huis (behind the house).

9. De sleutels liggen *tussen* de boeken (between the books).

10. De fiets staat *tegen* de muur (against the wall).

Exercise 2

1. De kat zit *op* de tafel (preposition indicating location).

2. Het boek ligt *onder* het bed (preposition indicating something below).

3. De hond slaapt *naast* de deur (preposition indicating beside).

4. De auto staat *voor* het huis (preposition indicating in front).

5. De schilderijen hangen *aan* de muur (preposition indicating attached to).

6. De schoenen staan *in* de kast (preposition indicating inside).

7. De bloemen staan *op* de tafel (preposition indicating on top).

8. De kinderen spelen *achter* het huis (preposition indicating behind).

9. De jas hangt *aan* de kapstok (preposition indicating on the hook).

10. De lamp staat *naast* de bank (preposition indicating next to).

Exercise 3

1. Het boek ligt *op* de tafel (preposition indicating something is on a surface).

2. De kat slaapt *onder* het bed (preposition indicating something is beneath another object).

3. De schilderij hangt *aan* de muur (preposition indicating something is attached to a vertical surface).

4. De auto staat *voor* het huis (preposition indicating something is in front of another object).

5. De kinderen spelen *in* de tuin (preposition indicating something is inside an enclosed area).

6. De postbode staat *bij* de deur (preposition indicating someone is next to or near another object).

7. Het vliegtuig vliegt *boven* de stad (preposition indicating something is over another object).

8. De hond zit *naast* de stoel (preposition indicating something is beside another object).

9. De sleutels liggen *tussen* de boeken (preposition indicating something is between two objects).

10. Het station is *achter* het park (preposition indicating something is behind another object).