Exercises on Prepositions of Time in Dutch Sentences

Mastering prepositions of time is crucial for achieving fluency in any language, and Dutch is no exception. Prepositions such as "in," "op," and "voor" can significantly alter the meaning of a sentence, thus understanding their correct usage is essential for clear and accurate communication. Our exercises are designed to help you grasp the nuances of these prepositions in various contexts, from casual conversations to more formal settings. Through consistent practice, you will learn to use these prepositions correctly, ensuring that your Dutch sentences are both grammatically sound and contextually appropriate. In these exercises, you will encounter a variety of sentences that illustrate the different ways prepositions of time are used in Dutch. Each exercise is structured to progressively enhance your understanding, starting with simple sentences and gradually increasing in complexity. By engaging with these exercises, you will develop a keen sense of when to use specific prepositions, ultimately improving your overall proficiency in Dutch. Whether you are a beginner or looking to refine your skills, our targeted exercises will provide the practice you need to confidently navigate the subtleties of prepositions of time in Dutch sentences.

Exercise 1

1. De winkel sluit *om* zes uur (preposition for a specific time).

2. Ik werk *van* negen tot vijf (preposition indicating the start time).

3. De vergadering begint *om* twee uur (preposition for a specific time).

4. Ik heb vakantie *in* juli (preposition for a month).

5. We zien elkaar *over* een week (preposition indicating a future time).

6. Hij komt *na* het eten (preposition indicating after something).

7. Het feest is *op* vrijdag (preposition for a specific day).

8. Ik studeer meestal *in* de ochtend (preposition for a part of the day).

9. We hebben een afspraak *over* een uur (preposition indicating a future time).

10. Mijn verjaardag is *in* augustus (preposition for a month).

Exercise 2

1. Ik ga *om* 8 uur naar bed (preposition for a specific time).

2. Hij komt *na* het eten langs (preposition indicating something happening after a meal).

3. De winkel is gesloten *tijdens* de vakantie (preposition for something happening during a period).

4. We hebben het huis gekocht *in* 2020 (preposition for a year).

5. Zij werkt altijd *op* maandag (preposition for a specific day of the week).

6. We vertrekken *voor* het avondeten (preposition indicating something happening before an event).

7. Het museum is open *van* 10 uur *tot* 5 uur (prepositions for a time range).

8. Hij studeert *sinds* 2015 aan de universiteit (preposition indicating the start of a period).

9. Ik heb les *om* 3 uur (preposition for a specific hour).

10. Ze is jarig *in* juli (preposition for a specific month).

Exercise 3

1. Ik ga *om* 8 uur naar bed (preposition for specific time).

2. We zien elkaar *op* dinsdag (preposition for days of the week).

3. Het museum is gesloten *tijdens* de vakantie (preposition for a period of time).

4. De les begint *om* half negen (preposition for a specific time).

5. Ik werk nooit *op* zondag (preposition for days of the week).

6. De winkel is open *van* 9 uur *tot* 5 uur (prepositions for time duration).

7. We hebben een afspraak *op* 15 maart (preposition for dates).

8. De trein vertrekt *over* 10 minuten (preposition for the future).

9. Ik heb de brief *in* september ontvangen (preposition for months).

10. Het evenement begint *op* een zaterdag (preposition for days of the week).