Talking About Marital Status in Dutch

When learning a new language, one of the fundamental areas to cover is how to talk about personal information. Discussing your marital status is a common conversational topic, whether you’re filling out forms, meeting new people, or engaging in social situations. In Dutch, as in many other languages, there are specific terms and phrases used to describe marital status. This article will guide you through the vocabulary, phrases, and cultural nuances associated with talking about marital status in Dutch.

Basic Vocabulary

Before diving into full sentences and conversations, it’s essential to learn the basic vocabulary related to marital status. Here are the key terms you need to know:

Single: Single
Married: Getrouwd
Engaged: Verloofd
Divorced: Gescheiden
Widowed: Weduwe (female), Weduwnaar (male)
Partner: Partner
Spouse: Echtgenoot (male), Echtgenote (female)

Example Sentences

Now that you have the basic vocabulary, let’s look at how these words are used in sentences:

1. Ik ben single. (I am single.)
2. Zij is getrouwd. (She is married.)
3. Hij is verloofd. (He is engaged.)
4. Wij zijn gescheiden. (We are divorced.)
5. Zij is een weduwe. (She is a widow.)
6. Hij is een weduwnaar. (He is a widower.)
7. Mijn partner en ik wonen samen. (My partner and I live together.)
8. Mijn echtgenoot werkt in Amsterdam. (My husband works in Amsterdam.)
9. Mijn echtgenote is lerares. (My wife is a teacher.)

Common Phrases and Questions

In everyday conversation, you might need to ask or answer questions about marital status. Here are some common phrases and questions you can use:

– Ben je getrouwd? (Are you married?)
– Ben je single? (Are you single?)
– Hoe lang ben je al getrouwd? (How long have you been married?)
– Heb je een partner? (Do you have a partner?)
– Hoe lang ben je al verloofd? (How long have you been engaged?)
– Ben je ooit gescheiden? (Have you ever been divorced?)

Example Dialogues

Let’s put the vocabulary and phrases into practice with some example dialogues:

**Dialogue 1: Meeting Someone New**

A: Hallo, ik ben Maria. Leuk je te ontmoeten.
B: Hoi Maria, ik ben Jan. Leuk je te ontmoeten. Ben je getrouwd?
A: Ja, ik ben getrouwd. En jij?
B: Nee, ik ben single.


A: Hello, I am Maria. Nice to meet you.
B: Hi Maria, I am Jan. Nice to meet you. Are you married?
A: Yes, I am married. And you?
B: No, I am single.

**Dialogue 2: Talking About Family**

A: Hoe lang ben je al getrouwd?
B: We zijn al tien jaar getrouwd.
A: Heb je kinderen?
B: Ja, we hebben twee kinderen.


A: How long have you been married?
B: We have been married for ten years.
A: Do you have children?
B: Yes, we have two children.

Cultural Considerations

Understanding the cultural context is essential when discussing personal matters like marital status. Here are a few cultural considerations to keep in mind when talking about marital status in the Netherlands:

1. **Privacy**: Dutch people value their privacy, so be mindful of this when asking about someone’s marital status. It’s usually best to wait until you have established a rapport with the person before delving into personal topics.

2. **Directness**: Dutch people are known for their directness. While this means they are often straightforward in their communication, it’s still important to approach personal questions with sensitivity.

3. **Forms and Official Documents**: When filling out forms or official documents in the Netherlands, you will often be required to indicate your marital status. Understanding the vocabulary and how to use it correctly will be beneficial in these situations.

4. **Changing Social Norms**: Like many other countries, the Netherlands has seen changing social norms regarding relationships and marital status. It’s common for people to live together without being married, and there is growing acceptance of diverse family structures.

Practice Exercises

To reinforce your learning, try these practice exercises:

1. **Fill in the Blanks**: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words provided.
– Zij is ________ (married).
– Hij is ________ (single).
– Wij zijn ________ (divorced).

2. **Translate the Sentences**: Translate the following sentences from English to Dutch.
– Are you engaged?
– My partner and I live together.
– She is a widow.

3. **Role Play**: Practice a dialogue with a language partner or friend. One person asks questions about marital status, and the other answers.


1. **Fill in the Blanks**:
– Zij is getrouwd.
– Hij is single.
– Wij zijn gescheiden.

2. **Translate the Sentences**:
– Ben je verloofd?
– Mijn partner en ik wonen samen.
– Zij is een weduwe.

By familiarizing yourself with these key terms, phrases, and cultural considerations, you’ll be better equipped to discuss marital status in Dutch. Practice regularly, and don’t hesitate to engage with native speakers to improve your proficiency. Good luck with your language learning journey!